The Burwell and District Flower Club is a friendly and welcoming flower club that meets monthly for anyone who has an interest in flower arranging, flower display, floral design and floral art.
Whether you are a beginner or experienced you will find that our club offers a warm and inviting atmosphere for everyone. Meetings can comprise presentations by an expert demonstrator or workshops where we learn from each other and practice new techniques and ideas.
On this website you will find details of our programme for the next year, where we meet and who to contact in the club. There are also examples of flower arranging by members and of the demonstrators who have shown us their expertise and new ideas for us to consider using in our own arrangements.
Our meetings are a great way to meet new friends and learn more about the world of flower arrangement.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Wednesday 12th March
© Copyright Burwell and District Flower Club 2023